Who is Peenut Guy? He is you and me. He’s every one of us who’s had a bad day. He is every one of us that’s ever made a mistake or a poor decision. There is one defining characteristic of Peenut Guy that separates him from most of us though:
Peenut Guy never lets life get him down.
Every day, Peenut Guy has a great attitude, a fresh smile, and the conviction that life is good. And every day, the universe conspires against him in horrific, twisted, and hysterical ways. Peenut guy has been hit by a tractor trailer, has floated away into the sky, and has even had his car hit by a plane, though to be fair, he was braking to avoid hitting a dog at the time. Still, towing said airplane with his car probably wasn’t the smartest thing he’s ever done, but hey, we all make mistakes.
Another clue to Peenut Guy’s seemingly infinite reserve of cash is the fact that he moonlights as a superhero with the cleverly crafted secret identity, Super Peenut. His lair has all the trimmings of the infinitely wealthy super hero, complete with a Peenutmobile, a Peenut-Sub, and all manor of weapons needed to defeat evil. Sadly, stupidity seems to be a bigger threat to our hero than any of “those men” they’re constantly after.
Peenut Guy does have a series of antagonists in his life. From the Hamburger Bully to the Deadbeatnik, to the trick wheel, none of them seem to confound our hero more than a simple hole. Why he sticks his fingers where they don’t belong is anyone’s guess, but rest assured, if there’s a finger-size hole about, there will be a Peenut-sized finger in it soon after his arrival. Usually, our hero will remain there, finger-in-hole, long into the night. Oh, and don’t even get me started about the the french horn.
If your days continuously unfold like a Peenut Guy comic strip, take heart that you’re probably amusing someone, somewhere, who likely feels better about themselves for your misfortunes. If, however, you’re seeing people who are shaped, or act like peanuts, please consult your neurologist.
Certainly, as a cartoon character (not to mention a talking peanut), Peenut Guy has problems that many of us will never face. Take the french horn I told you not to ask me about—who has these kinds of problems? Peenut Guy – that’s who. Still, after all the pain he suffers, all the cars that have been destroyed, and all the bad situations Weenut and Mosfet get him into, the next day he starts off with a smile and an upbeat attitude. I think a lot of us could learn from his example. I still wouldn’t let my dog wash my vintage ‘vette though. Even I wouldn’t make that mistake.
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Everyone knows Peenut Guy bought stock in Teh Gap b4 the tan pants craze hit. Plus he invented teh Klon. Sooooooooo it only makes sense he would have a ton of duckets!1!!111!!!!