First there is a box with some cash. The box is designed so it will also hold gift cards or other small items:
The box gets sealed up like so:
That box gets flipped over and put into this box:
And then tightened down. Note that there are blue bolts on all four sides:
The cap gets screwed on thus securing the sleeve:
Both are finally screwed into the sleeve. This is the final box all assembled:
There were four nieces present, but five boxes:
The youngest nephew got handed the first magenta box with the yellow tool. He then opened that to reveal four flat-bladed red tools which he hoarded. LOL. With the red tools out, that meant that the magenta boxes with the red bolts in the corners could be opened. Those boxes contained blue tools.
The nieces don’t have to do a puzzle to get their cash (they all got a card). However to make it all more interesting one of the magenta boxes had cash in it in addition to the rattling plastic tools. Consider it a lottery.
- Do not use any metal tools on the box
- Do not destroy the box
- Interfering with someone else’s box or process is immediate disqualification for the prize
- 1 box = 1 person (no helpers)
The rules were mostly followed until the new fiance of the second eldest niece decided to work together with the youngest cousin (15) and together they were the first to open. This was a result of the youngest cousin having a stuck bolt which caused him to lose his lead and the new fiance decided to step in and make an impression. When I pointed out that they violated the rules there was an uproar from the crowd and the new-guy/youngest cousin alliance took the prize.
I later learned that not only did the fiance give his share to the youngest cousin, but he also gave his original cash gift to him so the youngest cousin scored 3X what everyone else got.
The older brother of the youngest cousin was not amused.
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