GAD lives in Scenic NJ, where he enjoys toiling at home while his two 150 pound dogs work in collusion with his children to drive him slowly mad.
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I recently purchased a 2001 (Westerly, RI) Guild X-150 archtop jazz guitar. I noticed that you have posted the cover of the 2001 Guild catalog. I was wondering if that catalog was for sale? Or if not, would there be a way you could email me color scans of the pages pertaining to the archtops? Just so I can have some “original” documentation of my guitar. I appreciate anything you can offer. Thanks! –Erroll (Sedona, AZ)
It’s your lucky day! You found the cover page for the entire catalog, but you can view and download the entire thing here:
Not only that, but I have almost all of the Guild catalogs and they’re all free to view or download:
Not only that, but there are also price lists:
And ads and flyers, too!: