Current Guitars |

2008 Taylor DN-K
Koa Dreadnaught

2000 Guild Starfire 4
World's Best Semi-Hollow

2008 Jackson SL2H
Sam Ash Import

2008 Am. Deluxe Strat
Swamp Ash Sienna Burst

2002 Guild Starfire 3-90
Rare and Fabulous!
Past Guitars |

1979 Guild S300A-D
My First Nice Guitar

1979 Guild S300A-D
Replacement Attempt #1

1999 Guild X-170
Jazz Box Goodness

1973 Guild Starfire IV
Magnificent Semi-Hollow

1976 Guild Starfire IV
Mahogany Semi-Hollow

2004 Gibson R9 Les Paul
One Piece Top - Brockburst

2006 Gibson R8 Les Paul
Cherry Burst R8 Plaintop

2009 Epiphone Goldtop
'56 Reissue with P90s

2008 US Telecaster
Natural Ash w/Rosewood

1998 Guild Starfire III
Mahogany Goodness

2005 Ibanez Artcore
Minty Green!

Washburn HB35
The Guitar from Hell

2009 US Jackson SL2H
The Real Deal

Guild JF-65-12
12-String Cannon

Guild Bluesbird
Corona Goodness

1994 Guild Starfire IV
Rare Ebony Board

2009 Gretsch Billy-Bo
It's so Red!

1997 Gibson Les Paul Jr.
Also Red!

2003 Jackson Bengal
Custom Shop LE

2010 Gibson R9
Scotch Burst

1999 Guild X-170 MARS
The Gretsch Killer

1977 Guild S300A-D
S300A-D #3 Minty Fresh!

2008 Gretsch SSLVO
Setzer Signature

2007 Gibson SG w/P90s
Guitar of the Week #37

Guild Nightbird

1960s Guild S200

1998 Guild Starfire 4

1991 Guild Nightbird Custom
Rare Green w/HB1s
Amplification |

Axe-FX Ultra
All the amp I'll ever need

2008 Peavey JSX 212
3-Channel Tube Goodness

2005 Peavey Valveking 112
Cheap Tube Goodness

1974 Fender Twin
Silverface - All Original

1966 Fender Princeton Reverb
Vintage Blackface Goodness

2003 Dr. Z Maz-Sr.
Weber Silver and Blue 2x12

2008 Roland Micro-Cube
Modeling Battery Powered Amp

1963 Fender Bassman
Setzer Tone Powerhouse
Pedals |

Trailer Trash Pedal Board
With Mission Pedals

Nocturne Brain Selzer
RE-301 Preamp Pedal

El Capistan
Digital Tape Echo

BYOC Germanium Fuzz
Fabulous Home-Built Fuzz

BYOC Shredder
Marshall Shredmaster Clone

Fractal Audio MFC-101
Axe-FXC MIDI Foot Controller

Ibanez TS-808HW
Ibanez Handwired TS-808

Ibanez TS-808 Reissue
Analogman True Vintage Mod

Ibanez TS-808 Reissue
Keeley True Bypass Mod

Hermidia Audio Paisley Zendrive
Custom Brad Paisley Signed

Hermidia Audio Zendrive SE
It's made of wood!

Hermidia Audio Zendrive
Best OD on The Market

TC Electronics G-System
Multi-Effects System

My Rack Case
Custom-Made Sliding Shelf

Paul Cochrain's Timmy
Overdrive/Boost pedal

MXR EQ Pedals
10-Band and 6-Band

Blackstone MOSFET Overdrive
Incredible Two-Stage OD

BYOC 5-Knob Compressor
Built for a friend of mine
Recording Etc. |

Olympus LS-10
PCM Field Recorder

Dr. Z AirBrake
Amp Attenuator